
Intense, compelling and confrontational, Blackstone is an unmuted exploration of First Nations’ power and politics, unfolding over nine one-hour episodes.

Candy Show

Featuring blues, metal, old school country and everything in between, Candy Palmater is joined in her pink bedroom by the likes of Garrett Mason and In-Flight Safety.

Planet Echo

The Clément Brothers, Chuck and Andy have embarked on an extra-ordinary planetary adventure that showcases and celebrates many of the positive things that are being done to make the planet we call home, a happy and healthy place to live.

Aboriginal Program

The Aboriginal Program is designed to support Aboriginal-language independent production in Canada. This program is part of the Canada Media Fund’s (CMF) Convergent Stream; thus, projects funded through this program must include content to be produced for distribution on at least two platforms, one of which must be television and the other, digital media. Funding from this program is allocated according to a selective process, using an evaluation grid.

As a result of past oversubscription on available program funding, the budget of the Aboriginal Program budget for development and production was increased to $7.0 M in 2011-2012. Aboriginal-language projects received $726 K in additional CMF funding from the Performance Envelope, English Production Incentive, and Northern Production Incentive programs.


  2010-2011 2011-2012 5-year average
$K Funding $K Funding $K Funding
TV DM Total # Hours $K Budgets TV DM Total # Hours $K Budgets TV Hours $K Budgets
Children's & Youth 1,255 351 1,606 4 20   1,029 351 1,380 4 14        
Documentary 2,888 576 3,464 11 41   3,587 414 4,001 11 37        
Drama 0 0 0 0 0   615 213 828 2 3        
Variety & Performing Arts 275 78 353 1 7   287 25 312 1 8        
Total 4,418 1,005 5,423 16 68 12,592 5,518 1,003 6,521 18 62 13,518 3,381 61 10,908
  2006-2007 to 2010-2011


2010-2011 2011-2012 5-year average
$K Funding $K Funding $K Funding
TV DM Total # TV DM Total # TV
418 159 577 18 326 68 394 15 371


Aboriginal Production

Aboriginal projects came from coast to coast to coast: BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nunavut, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Documentaries received 61% of program funding and children's and youth programs received 21% of funding.  These proportions are similar to 2010-2011.


In 2011-2012, APTN licensed 16 projects and Nunavut Independent Television Network licensed two. There were two new television dramas, a Movie of the Week (MOW) and a drama series pilot. The increase in funding to television triggered a rise in funding per hour and in budgets per hour. In 2011-2012, TV production budgets ranged from $216 K for a documentary one-off to $1.6 M for a children's and youth series.

Digital Media

Digital media components of projects received 18% of convergent funding in this program. There were 17 digital components funded and the average digital media component budget was $125 K.

Financing Sources

CMF funding provided over half of television production budgets in 2011-2012, and almost half of digital media budgets. Broadcasters provided over 10% of television budgets with the rest of financing coming from government sources. Producers and distributors together provided 30% of digital media component financing.

Production Financing

  Television Digital Media
$K % $K %
CMF - AP 5,518 48 1,003 47
CMF - PE, EPI, NPI 726 6 0 0
CMF 6,244 55 1,003 47
Provincial Governments 2,234 20 213 10
Broadcasters 1,196 10 197 9
Federal Government 1,012 9 0 0
Private Funds 476 4 60 3
Producers 191 2 292 14
Distributors 20 0 345 16
Other 25 0 10 1
Total 11,398 100 2,120 100


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